Monday, January 4, 2010

Gaining Some Sanity Back

So today was the first day back to school after being out for 2 weeks. I really wasn't ready to get up this morning but made it up anyways. I got up and started doing some cleaning once the girls were out the door. A little later saw a small opening in my bedroom door, and there was my son looking at me sitting in the floor. So I turned on some cartoons and finished cleaning up. Then my inlaws got up and about and we all got ready and spent the day running around. It was really cold today though. I got a new set of dishes which are awesome.  Then we got back about 20 minutes before the girls got out of school. Man it sure was a peaceful day today till the got home. All the arguing and bickering started.

So the last two weeks what has happened? Christmas and New Years.

Lets see, nothing much went on Christmas was good kids got some great stuff but still managed to say "well I really wanted_____ and didnt get it" Man it really sucks when you try really hard to get them EVERYTHING but they manage to remember the ONE thing they DID'NT get! Anyways they had a good one. I got my husband a sign that says "I AM MAN HEAR ME BELCH" cause I thought it was funny and he always is and some redneck shot gun shell lights cause they were to funny to pass up. Me on the other didn't manage to get anything except a cheap bath set (small wicker basket with 1bar soap,1 lotion,&1 gel soap) YIPPY!!!

Anyways after that was New Years Eve which was our 4th wedding anniversary which I didn't get anything for either. I got him a change/key try that is the bottom of a fire hydrant with a hose wrapped around it and a fire hat on the side) nothing much but more thoughtful/meaningful because he is working on becoming a volunteer fire fighter in our town.

So I spent most the day mad and mainly hurt cause I didn't even get a card. So we went to dinner with my coousin and her husband a couple her husband works with. Then we went to a little hole in the wall bar,but had fun. My cousin was getting him for not getting me anything and he was like "well she doesn't appreciate anything I give her anyways so why try. " Really what have I gotten? I haven't gotten anything for christmas in like 2 yrs and I haven't gotten anything for an anniversary since my first anniversary. Which made me mad all over again. I am still bitter about it as you can tell and he doesn't understand why!!!!

So hope everyone had a Great Christmas & Happy New Year.


  1. Ugh, Men! How can they be so thoughtless?! Sounds like he needs a good talkin' too!
    Congrats on the Anniversary!

  2. I so get what you are going through. I have 4 kids, ages 4-9. I look forward to seeing your posts about this crazy life.
